15th of June 2024

Planet Head Day 2024

The event takes place at the Fountain Square 
of the Shopping Mall Galaxy in Szczecin on 
15th June from 10am to 5pm. Its goal is to promote science and raise funds for charity.

The general setup consists of a Central Stage 
and a transgenerational STEAM education game simulating tasks of astronauts and scientists on a mission through the solar system.  

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Become a PlanetHead

A person demonstrating solidarity with the cancer-sick by a donation, who gets publicly shaved and painted as a planet on the stage.

Become a partner

A company, university or person, who supports us with donations, in-kind donations or by becoming a patron of a planet station.

Become a volunteer

An adult or teenager who supports us with the preparation, organization and conduction or the postprocessing of the event.


Planet Head Day has started in 2007 in the USA and ten years later in Europe. Take a look at the amazing project and the people behind.

Planet Heads

Discover who decided to show their solidarity with the cancer-sick by donating funds and also something very personal. 

Projects & Partners

Learn about a special school competition, about IT, health and safety projects, which have been with us from the start.


Here we collect links to pictures, films and information about Planet Head Day from public and priveate media.

Docs & Downloads

Interesting and necessary information about our projects, policies, regulations, the organizers and downloads.

Our charity account

Please support our charity activities 
with a donation on our charity account: 


Account owner:   Fundacja SAIL
IBAN:                   PL14 1020 4812 0000 0202 0160 2937 
Title:                    "NA CELE STATUTOWE: PLANET HEAD DAY"