If you think you are too small for making a difference,
try sleeping with a mosquito.
Dalai Lama
We are there for you from Monday to Friday. Contact us by mail or phone, if you would like to arrange a meeting with our directors, teachers and staff, a trial day for your child at our schools or - to directly enroll to school or afternoon school.
We will guide the way, response to all your questions to our best knowledge and support your special requests as much as possible.
We are very happy to look for a mutually beneficial solution for responsible volunteers to our creativity and community projects and welcome Polish and international teachers and managers to join our growing SAIL crew.
Visitation Form for trial days
at SAIL International School
Pupil Enrolment Form
to SAIL International School
Enrolment Form
to SAIL Afternoon School
(arts & music workshops, language clubs)
Форма реєстрації для післяобідньої школи (мистецькі та музичні майстерні, мовна освіта, допомога продовжити НУШ
ul. Adama Mickiewicza 19 + 21
PL-70-383 Szczecin
+48 698 679 007
School phone:
+48 691 118 555
Увійдіть на мистецькі та музичні майстерні, мовну освіту або допоможіть вчителю з НУШ:
+ 48 500 212 634
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